Mobile Application Security
Dynamic Security Analysis: stress your app, not your business.
DSA is a revolutionary approach to Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS), specifically designed to ensure maximum security for mobile applications. This service combines the expertise of our in-house team of ethical hackers with the advanced capabilities of the DSA platform, developed entirely by Mobisec.
With DSA, we integrate vulnerability assessment, DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) and manual penetration testing to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis. Each test is performed by experts using a combination of automated and manual methods, ensuring reliable results that are targeted and tailored to the needs of your application.
The result? A fast and highly detailed service that can identify known vulnerabilities, but more importantly, the more complex and specific mobile app issues that are often missed by traditional testing. We analyse, contextualise and help you remediate vulnerabilities to make a real difference to the security of your app.
Dynamic Security Analysis, in short.
First, we perform a vulnerability assessment of the application using our platform that combines automation, human talent and artificial intelligence. We do this in black box mode, without our client having to give access to the code or download any software.
Next, our ethical hacker team simulates the behaviour of a real attacker to verify the robustness of the application. Our platform monitors, records and analyses via Artificial Intelligence all processes to identify possible criticalities.
At the end of our work, we generate and present a clear, detailed report with no false positives, suitable for different levels of management. The report includes a classification of vulnerabilities by severity and provides precise recommendations for remediation.
An innovative approach to mobile application security that goes beyond the limitations of traditional solutions.
Often characterized by extended timelines and inconsistent results, these solutions rely heavily on the operator’s expertise, leaving room for uncertainty regarding the final quality standards.
Despite their speed, the generated reports tend to be generic, lacking sufficient detail, and often flagging an excessive number of false positives. This requires internal teams to possess advanced skills to derive meaningful operational value.
Constrained by the need for repeated purchases, these solutions do not integrate effectively with continuous development and update processes, causing interruptions and delays in business operations.
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